With /join 2-7 players can join the game. With /start the game begins. Alternatively, you can use the Game Tool!
Players try to navigate their men through Fearsome Floors of Fürst Fieso's Formidable Fortress. They must flee from the frenzied Furunculus, while faking the fiend to feast on other foes! For whoever fetches enough fellows from the fray finds the fascinating faerie Fabula.
Everyone tries to move their men across the board to the exit, without being captured by the monster.
Each player gets four (or three if there are 5 to 7 players) playing tokens with a colored side and a partly-black side. Opposite sides show numbers totaling 7: 6/1, 4/3, 3/4, 2/5.
The game is played in two stages. In the first stage all playing pieces eaten by the monster are placed at the entrance and can come back into the game. Stage 1 ends once 7 of the eight monster tiles have been uncovered. The eighth card is not played. The cards are then shuffled for stage 2. In the second stage the monster has no mercy: all playing pieces that fall into his grasp are removed from the game.
In sequence, each player moves their game token. Each game token is moved once per round. The only exception to this is during the first round where each player only moves two of their pieces. Game tokens can only be moved as far as indicated by the number currently shown on them. They are then flipped over to show their other side (the other number) for the next round. This applies, even if a game piece was moved 0 spaces (for example, at the start of the game when you only move 2 tokens, the others are flipped over).
To move a game piece, click on the token to be moved. (For game tokens curently off the board, click on number) then click on the starting space. Then each space you wish to move the token during this turn.
If you get lost or confused, or you have changed your mind as to which spaces you wish to move on to/through, use the "Cancel" button.
Otherwise click on "OK" to commit this move.
The following movement rules apply:
To leave the gameboard, you must reach the exit space (top left) and still have 1 more movement point left. Game tokens which successfully manage to exit the board are safe from the monster.
At the beginning of the game, the monster starts in the exit square, facing right. The distance of the monster moves is determined by the monster card which is turned over. There are 8 monster cards with the following values: 5 - 7 - 7 - 8 - 8 - 10 - † - ††. A number is how many spaces the monster will move. The two cards † and †† are the one hit/two hit cards. When these are turned, the monster keeps moving until it hits one or two players, depending on the number of †s - but moving no more than 20 spaces.
The monster cards are shown in the top right of the screen. The left is the pile of cards yet to be drawn. The right is the tile currently in play.
Before each step of movement, the monster always looks in three directions: straight ahead, to the left and to the right (never backward !) The monster then turns to face the nearest token it can see and moves one step. If the monster cannot see any playing tokens, or if the nearest two are at the same distance, it just moves forward one space. The monster cannot look through stones or walls. If the monster steps into a space occupied by a playing token, it eats this token. After each step, including the last, the monster looks forward, right, and left again and may change its facing. This continues until the allowed number of spaces have been moved or the required number of playing tokens have been eaten. During the first stage of the game, eaten playing tokens are returned to that start. During the second stage they are out of the game.
The monster pushes everything in front of itself (For example playing tokens that hide behind stones, multiple stones, etc.). Only blood pools are unmovable. The monster can push stones and playing tokens out of the board, the stones are removed from the game, the playing tokens are treated as being eaten. The monster can walk through walls: If the monster moves out of the plan it keeps it direction and re-enters the board with the same movement point at the other side of the board on the space with the same letter. < /p>
Everything pushed onto a blood pool slides corresponding to the rules for playing tokens above in a straight line to the other side.
Example of monster movement:
In this example of play , the 10 card has been drawn for the monster. (Never mind that the picture shows the ††.) Before the monster starts, it looks and sees the RED #1 on its left. It turns to the left and pursues Red #1. On the next space it now sees YELLOW #1 to the left. Since YELLOW #1 is closer, it turns again to the left and slides over the blood pool. Since it cannot look left or right while sliding in the blood pool, it does not notice YELLOW#4 yet. It eats YELLOW #1 and keeps moving in a straight line. It pushes the stone block against the wall and demolishes it. The monster goes through the wall at Q and comes in on the other side of the room at the other Q. It doesn't see anyone and keeps going straight again, sliding over the blood pool with no chance to see RED #1, goes beyond the blood pool with another move and then stops, since it has moved its ten spaces. It now sees YELLOW #4 and turns to face it, ready for the next round. (If it were actually the †† card as illustrated, the monster would take one more step and eat YELLOW #4 - its second victim.)
As soon as one player moves all but one of his playing tokens out of the exit, he wins the game (with 2 to 4 players you need three tokens, with 5 to 7 players only two). Under BSW rules the current round is played to its end. The winner is the player who first had the required number of tokens escape.
The game also stops if, during the second stage, all playing tokens are eaten and removed from the game. In this case the winning player is the one who firstly moved the most playing tokens out of the exit.
If the monster cards run out during the second phase of the game and no one manages the winning conditions, then the winning player is the one who first moved the most playing tokens out of the exit. For example, if no one has moved 3 out, the first player who moved out his second token is the winner.
The placement of the game obstacles (stones and blood pool) are determined by the players. Starting with the starting player each player in turn places a game obstacle on the board. The following applies: