Build your deck of cards, use it to move your pieces towards the objective and beat the other players' pieces.
The first player to get all of their own pieces to the finish line wins the game.
You can download the complete rules here.
At the start of the game, one of your pieces is already in play and is on your starting square. Your other pieces are on waiting spaces.
On your turn, you carry out the following steps in turn:
Play your 3 hand cards in the order of your choice. With each card, you can move your figures, capture other figures and/or receive coins from the supply. Some cards also protect your pieces from being captured.
To move figures, drag a card onto the figure and then click on the desired or possible destination square.
You must complete the movement of every card you play. Whenever you are unable to do so, you must place the card unused on your discard pile. You still receive the coins from the supply for a depicted coin symbol.
Whenever you end your movement on the square of an opponent's piece, you capture that piece. If the piece is protected by a shield symbol, you land on the next square in front of the piece.
Some cards have special symbols:
This symbol means that you may not capture an opponent's piece with this card. If you would land on a square with an opponent's piece with such a card, you move to the next free square in front of this piece instead.
If the top card of your discard pile has a shield symbol, all your pieces are protected and cannot be captured.
A card with the shieldbreaker symbol allows you to capture an opponent's piece even if it is actually protected.
There are 2 ways to bring new pieces into play:
a) You play a card with the appropriate function. Two of your starting cards have this function, the 1 and the 6.
b) You can put any 2 cards from your hand onto your discard pile without executing them. To do this, click on the corresponding symbol and 2 cards from your hand - then click on the "shadow figure" on your starting field.
You can then buy one or more cards from the open card market. The cost is shown in the top right-hand corner of each card.
Each newly purchased card is placed face down on your personal draw pile.
Then draw 3 cards from your hand from the draw pile and replenish the card market.
If the draw pile is empty, the discard pile is shuffled and becomes the new draw pile. If a card with a shield is on top of your discard pile, you have the choice of leaving it there as the only card to be protected for another round (1) - or shuffling it into the new draw pile (2).
You must move your pieces to a target square. You may not forfeit a single step of a card you have played. If this is not possible, you must discard the card unused.
You may skip figures that are already on a target square.
Whoever manages to get all of their own pieces to the finish line immediately wins the game.