You build a landscape in front of you, tile by tile. With the help of cards you place your cows on it and get points for it.
You can download the complete rules here.
55 cards
71 landscape tiles (1 each for 3 people less per landscape type, with 2 people 2 less each)
Trees (2 per person)
6 cows per color ( 4 as a personal supply - 2 on the bonus tiles on the score track)
2 scoring tiles per person
You can enlarge the points bar by clicking on it.
On your turn, you can carry out exactly 2 actions.
You can choose from the following move options:
A Place landscape tiles
B. Take card into hand
C. Play card from hand (value)
D. Take back the herd
You can choose 2 different actions or the same one twice.
Take 1 of the face-up landscape tiles from the general display and place it in your playing field. You place your first landscape tile in front of you.
You place each additional tile horizontally or vertically so that at least one side of it borders your other tiles. < /p>
You can place any landscapes together.
If you choose a square If you form 4 different or 4 identical landscapes, you can place a tree in the middle of the 4 tiles.
To do this, you immediately move your scoring marker forward 5 spaces on the score track.
Each landscape tile may only be used for 1 tree.
You must be in the same action in which you did that Once you have placed a landscape tile, decide whether you want to use a tree. You are not allowed to use the tree later.
If there are no more trees in the general supply, you can no longer use a tree.
< span>You can continue to place cows on these tiles.
Special case: If you chose the action "Create 1 landscape tile". If you have 4 or 5 landscape tiles of the same type in the display, you may exchange the entire general tile display before taking a tile.
Take 1 of the face-up cards from the display into your hand.
It there is no hand limit. You can therefore hold as many cards as you want in your hand.
Special case: If you have chosen the action "take 1 card into your hand" and all 4 cards in the display are at least 1 show the same type of landscape, you may exchange the entire card display before you take a card.
You play 1 card from your hand to put cows from your supply onto your field. For this you get the points indicated on the card. Each card shows landscape tiles that form a specific shape.
You may only play a card if you meet all the conditions:
The backs of the landscape tiles are also shown on most cards. Any type of landscape can be located in these places and you can play the card even if there is already a cow on these landscapes.
You can rotate the card as you wish to fulfill the conditions . However, you are not allowed to mirror the shape.
If you have met all the necessary conditions, you can play the card and must place 1 cow from your supply on each of the face-up landscape tiles.
You do not place a cow on landscape tiles that are shown with their backs on them!
Then you move up your scoring marker the score track forward by the points indicated on the card.
To play the card, drag it up, then draw continue into the green circle on the map and let go.
Then click on the cows on the map to place them.
If you take back cows, you create free spaces on your playing field and at the same time replenish your supply.
You may use this action take back exactly 1 herd.
A herd is a group of 1 - 6 cows that stand directly next to each other horizontally or vertically.
Whenever you get points, you move your counter on the score track that many spaces forward.
If you reach or exceed one of the bonus fields, you immediately receive the bonus shown.
As soon as If someone has achieved at least 65 points at the end of their turn, the end of the game begins.
You play the current round to the end so that everyone has had the same number of turns. span>
You still get points for one of your two scoring tiles.
Whoever then has the most points wins the game.
In the event of a tie, the higher number of landscape tiles laid out decides. span>
Attention! If it happens that at the end of a turn you can no longer fill the display of landscape tiles to 5 before someone has reached 65 points, the game ends prematurely.