With /join 2-4 players can start in the game. With /start the game begins. In places here you can also use the Spel tool!
De afbeeldingen in deze handlingiding zijn in the Germans. Online you can also play in the Nederlands!
San Juan is looped over several roundabouts. Each player has a variety of different roles on each round, and each player has an actie in gang for all players. This has been prepared with the help of the opzichter goederen, which can be cooked according to the door of the trade in the trading house. The money you earn can be built in San Juan with the help of the farmer. , money (in je hand) of goederen (op je productiegebouwen).
Het spel looped over meerdere ronden (meestal 11-14). Each round has its own role in the game. Hij voert de bijbehorende actie en zijn privilege uit. Aansluitend voeren de other spelers na elkaar de actie uit. As each player has a role, the bijbehorende acts can be used in the round.
Aan het one of the rounds can hold a maximum of 7 cards in the hands. Great cards should have been confirmed. If you raise a gate, then you can lift a maximum of 12 cards.
The two players have the starting point of the ronde steeds twee rolls. (a-b-a)
In the library, it should then be opened so that it can only be read once in a row (in the first role you can deactivate the library in the blue). click).
When you play this role, you have direct access to it hand bouwen door linksonder op deze kaart te klikken. De op die card aangegeven bouwkosten betaal je door overige handkaarten (=money) after te geven. The privilege is the same as it should be. You can also click on the picture on the garden to be sure.
You may want to play with the product as you want, the couple of people may want to buy it.
As ever deze rol gravels I begin with the producer of the goederen. Click on two of the products and wear this with the picture. Elk productiegebouw can maximally have a good operation. The other players did a great job, the producers were also good.
Door this actie wordt first the bovenste Handelshuis-kaartje omgedraaid met daarop de waren van all goederen. Click on two items that you want to copy. Je bevestigt di weer met het pijltje. The other folgen en mogen bad één good verkopen.
He zijn 5 handelshuis-kaartjes, die tijdens het spiel niet sea was schuden en dus telkens in dezelfde volgorde terugkomen.
As each deze rol kiest krijg ever 2 + 3 cards (2 for the actie and 3 for the privilege) from the beach. He likes everything in his house. The other neighborhoods have 2 maps and are in the same area.
As every ten years of age there is a card from the stack.
Gebouwen has a bouwprijs (boven) and a forest in overwinningspunten (onder). The manner in which the game was used is now available.
The hand cards of all players can be found in the middle of the game board as soon as they meet the muis over the flags .
The game is directly on the bouwmeesterfase was a game in the 12th building. The player with the most overwinning points wins the game. Bij gelijke stood beslist de som van het aantal handkaarten en goederen.
van the compliceerde game can be found in here.