Information about taxes

Every town has to pay taxes for the citizens and the game rooms. Taxes for game rooms depend on the game that can be played in that room.

The taxes are withdrawn from the supplies of the town every day. If a town has enough resources to pay its taxes in its marketplace it receives a 10% refund. Otherwise the missing resources are taken out of the warehouses.

If the town doesn't have enough resources to pay the daily taxes a randomly picked game (for which is city is paying taxes) will be deactivated. The missing resources are bought at the market using the town's Talers. If the town doesn't have enough Talers to buy the resources, then all the games of the town will be deactivated.

A city can specify at what time each day it will pay its taxes.


Every citizen costs the town 50 food and 8 cloth per month. In addition to that, citizens who do not own a residence and who do not live in a townhouse or farm cost 20 taler per day.


Games in residences and town buildings are arranged into different cost categories. This classification can be altered from time to time. For instance, shortly after their release on BSW new games are put in a more expensive category than they might be after a while.

Games can be deactivated by the treasurer to save resources. Deactivating a game room is free of charge. Reactivating a room will cost 7/30 of the monthly taxes for that game. These taxes are paid in Taler based on the current market prices.

Residence owners can choose to pay the taxes for their own game. In every residence is a lever to switch between the options (Ich - Aus - Stadt = Me - Off - Town). The Treasurer can set the Taxation from "Stadt" (City) to "Aus" (Off) and back. The owner of the Residence can set the Taxation from "Stadt" (City) to "Ich" (Me) and back.

(Note: The system will check that the citizen can pay for the taxes (W12 criterion). If this is not the case the lever will be switched back to the town setting and the game will be included in the town's taxes.)

There is no taxation resource cost for single user games.

  City pays Owner pays Deactivated
Category Cloth/mth Tools/mth Talers/day Cloth/mth Tools/mth
1 1 1 10 0 1
2 4 1 30 0 1
3 7 2 50 0 1
4 10 3 70 0 1

Game categories

CategoryGames Played
1Attika, Bazaar, BohnDuell, Clans, Dudeln, Dvonn, Emerald, FinstereFlure, Fuersten, Geister, Go, Intrige, Kardinal&Koenig, KingLui, Manhattan, Manitou, Medina, Meuterer, PackeisAmPol, ParisParis, Sticheln, StreetSoccer, Tongiaki, TurnIt, Vabanque, Venedig, Verraeter, Yinsh
2AllesImEimer, Attribut, AufAchse, Bluff, Bohnanza, CC-JaegerUndSammler, Cartagena, Halali, ImSchutzeDerBurg, Imperial, NotreDame, OhneFurchtUndAdel, PiranhaPedro, SaeulenDerErde, UmKroneUndKragen
311nimmt, 6nimmt, Backgammon, CafeInternational, CantStop, CantStopTeam, Caylus, Funkenschlag, Kingsburg, Pantheon, SanJuan, SanktPetersburg, ThurnUndTaxis, ThurnUndTaxis-GuG, Transamerica, Verflixxt
43Chapters, 7Wonders, Abluxxen, AgentDog, Atlantis, Biberbande, BlackDog, Blaetterrauschen, Blockers, Brilliant, Bruegge, CC-BurgfraeuleinUndDrache, CC-Erweiterung, CC-HaendlerUndBaumeister, Cabanga, Carcassonne, CastlesOfTuscany, Clever4Ever, CleverHochDrei, CouncilOfShadows, Crosswise, Diamant, DieCrew, Discordia, Dizzle, Dog, DogRoyal, Doppelkopf, DoppeltSoClever, Drachenherz, DungeonsDiceDanger, Evolution, Explorers, FantasyRealm, GanzSchoenClever, GoennenKoennen, Grimoria, HIT, Hadara, HalfPintHeroes, Helvetia, HeulDoch, Imhotep, Keksekaestchen, KingdomBuilder, KrassKariert, Kribbeln, Kuhfstein, Lama, LessIsMore, Ligretto, LionsOfLydia, MarcoPolo, Milestones, Monasterium, MonsterExpedition, Mycelia, NochMal, Numeri, PasstNicht, PortaleVonMolthar, PuertoRico, Saboteur, SantaCruz, Sauscharf, Set, Siedler, SkullKing, SkullQueen, SpaceBob, StoneAge, SuperMegaLuckyBox, Tichu, Tulpenfieber, VollVerplant, WichtelStreich, Wikinger, Wizard, Wuerfelhelden, Zatre, ZatreKartenspiel

Building sites

Each building project that hasn't been finished yet costs the town 10 food per citizen per month. Warehouses and the treasury that consist of at least 1 level are considered to be finished; the additional levels are considered extensions.


All the above monthly costs are aggregated for each separate resource (cloth, tools and food). The totals of each resource are then divided by 30 to calculate the daily rate. After that, these are rounded up or down using probability (for example with 10.3 there's a 30% chance the amount will be 11 and a 70% chance it will be 10). Results of the last three days are shown on each individual town page.